Hey! I've been lurking around here for many years now and always loved cartography - been drawing maps ever since I was very very little.

Anyways, I'm currently a freelance artist, sometimes going by Laughe, sometimes by ErnieTheMighty. I haven't been drawing all my life and I kind of regret that, so right now I'm still at the beginner's stage. Anyway, I love Pathfinder and hoping to learn to make some pretty maps for it.

I've been doing quite a lot of world maps, but my focus of what I want to learn right now are town/city maps. In my entire life, I've digitally drawn only two maps. One in 2013 and one just a few days ago. You can compare the progress here: http://erniethemighty.deviantart.com.../44763462/Maps

Apart from that, I'm also a game designer and game artist. I've been into gamedev since I was 11, when my mom bought me my first gamedev book(for non-programmers). Anyway, hello.