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Thread: A Curiosity - Excel as a Mapping Tool

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    Default A Curiosity - Excel as a Mapping Tool

    Something I created several (2005) years ago as an experiment in how far you can push Excel's Vector Drawing capabilities.

    Excel as a Cartography Tool.png

    The Landmasses and Water are a placed JPEG, The vector symbols/icons are layers and merged vector elements that I drew freehand and copy/pasted to flesh out the island. Given a little time, this could be a viable Map. The legend doubles as an element pool that allows me to drag and drop items from it(you create a copy of the element when you hold down Ctrl and click-drag from the legend). Not sure why I chose to place the water and landmasses as a bitmap, as you can clearly do everything in vector.

    In any case, this doesn't represent my artistic capabilities, but rather is a conversation piece about an interesting way to use a very common software application. Attached you will find the original file.

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