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Thread: [WIP] Das emperyale Lvramion und umliegende Länder

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  1. #1
    Guild Novice MetzgerWilli's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Graz, Austria

    Wip [WIP] Das emperyale Lvramion und umliegende Länder

    This is my first drawing and also my first project in GIMP (and any program for that matter). I am getting closer to the final version now. I am hoping to get some advice on how to proceed as well as some tips and suggestions if something irks you. I am also interested in how well the planet/space thing matches the map aesthetically or how I could improve it, as this is what I added most recently. I feel like I could also do a better job in giving the planets and its moons a more "round" feeling somehow? But I appreciate any kind of feedback and hope you enjoy the map!


    ✓ finish coloring the oceans
    ✓ finish the few uncolored spots
    ✓ add regional labels (mostly finished)
    ✓ improve city label "readability"
    ✓ add a title, probably at the top, right of the space thing
    ✓ add some "overlay" to give the whole thing a more map-like feeling (I guess, I'll just have to try out options here)
    ✓ add a border
    ✓ figure out a fitting scale. So far I am thinking about making the distance between Grangold and Kompen (near the middle) around 100 miles. --> One "border slab" will equal 100 miles.
    - Should be finished soon. Only minor details left to do.

    The font used is called "Dumbledor".

    Brushes used:
    StarRaven's Sketchy Cartography Brushes -…
    StarRaven's Calligraphic Cartography Brush -…
    I-A-Grafix's Hand-draw-map-brush-…

    Some info about the drawing:
    I am making the map for a future DnD campaign of mine that I have been working on for a about a year now whenever I find myself some free time. As this is my first project, there will be variations in quality and style in different areas (and I came to delete practically all of my earlier efforts when my skill improved). For drawing the mountains, forests and villages I make great use of brushes I found on DeviantArt, and later started drawing and adding my own mountain ranges, cliffs, villages and vegetation.
    The pegasus, unicorn, scorpion, the raven, the two ships and the maelstrom are cropped out from the maps of the Amiga games Amberstar and Ambermoon, both by Michael Hellmich. I wanted to add them and created the map around them, since these maps and the games they were about meant so much to me when I was a child. I did not get any permission for this, but hope it to be ignored/tolerated as I do not pursue any commercial intend in any form. The space pic is from NASA's site (

    The title is German and means "Emperyal Lvramion (Loo-ra-me-on) and surrounding lands".
    Last edited by MetzgerWilli; 02-03-2016 at 05:27 PM.

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