Quote Originally Posted by pasis View Post
Hi, I agree with Bogie, you sure have a good start there. And it is good to hear that you have not followed the guides blindly, but have made your own adjustments. That is the path that makes you better with every go.
Few things you can experiment further:
As you have quite strong textures they tend to hide the heightmap details underneath. One thing you can try is to duplicate your heighmap and set the blending mode of the new copy as "multiply". Then make yet another duplicate heightmap and set the blending mode as "Soft light". Adjust the opacity of the new layers to get the desired heightmap strength. Note that the duplicate layers need to be above the original heightmap. And if the overall map becomes too dark after adding the multiply layer you can compensate by adding an exposure layer above it.
If you want to have more variation to the grass, one option is to add a new layer (set it to multiply) and select suitable colors like browns and greens etc. Draw with soft low opacity brush and you’ll get sophisticated result.
The sun seems to be shining from NorthEast, but the house shadows indicates sun to be in NorthWest instead. Change the global light direction to match with the ground. I would also strengthen the shadows.

Keep up the good work and happy experimenting
Thanks for all the advice. The lighting will be interesting to fix. I haven't made any shadows except on the buildings. All the shadowing is from the Geo Control terrain.