Thanks Pixie for the comments and critque.

Is quilometers Kilometers? couldn't find that term.

I've attached a map I did find on Google with the scale bar and the CAPTION dating it in the same time period, although I know you are spot on in that the early Italian Portolan Maps of Pietro Vesconte did not have these.

The title panel, was also found from similar maps, but again probably not Italian - maybe Catalan ones that had more decorative elements.

I have also had a very hard time finding any coastline border cities, and when I have, there are very few, so I took liberties here to fill out the coastlines, but agree 100% with you on the naming, maybe I should stick to a European area, or maybe even Asia? where I may be able to find more early time period information.

I did do a version without the pacific coast, but added it later, thinking maybe Pietro could cross Panama's thin landmass. Again many liberties taken.

Not really sure how I should proceed from here. Probably put this away and try another area to be more authentic - maybe even an area where I can do Italian and Catalan to show comparisons, ideas are welcome, I do love this type of map and would like to do an authentic one.

HERE IS THE Map with the scale bar with caption here below.

Portolan nautical chart of Mediterranean Sea around 1320-1350.
This is oldest original cartographic artifact in the Library of Congress.
Map showing Mediterranean Sea from the Balearic Islands to the Levantine coast;
also covers western part of Black Sea. Author is anonymous, probably Genoan

Thanks again really appreciate you looking at this in depth.