Okay, I must confess. While I used RobA's wonderful tutorial to begin my mapping adventure in GIMP, I couldn't make it work like it's supposed to. I fudged. And trying to make it work is driving me nuts. The steps that I simply cannot seem to make work are the ones that are supposed to make the coastline jagged and irregular. I have followed these steps as closely as I can and it never works. The coastline is always smooth...or relatively so. When I made my map, I actually used the magic wand to select the white part of the map (the land) rather than the black part and then invert it. Then I changed a few settings in the noise or blur (I honestly don't remember exactly what I did) and got some of what I was going for.

But it wasn't what I wanted.

And for the life of me, trying to go thru that tutorial slowly and deliberately, it just doesn't work. I cannot get the coastline to a jagged state.

Now, I realize I must be doing something wrong. Everyone else seems to be able to do it, so it must be something I'm overlooking. But for the life of me, I cannot figure out what it might be. I'm not completely new to GIMP, but this has got me stumped and I honestly don't know how to figure it out. Help?