I'm mapping this thing randomly in Photoshop, after the initial sketch in SAI. The vague idea was for a city built across a bunch of islands scattered in the middle of a wide and fast-moving river.


You can see how different the WIP is from the original sketch. I had planned to paint the whole thing in SAI, but part of the reason I'm entering is to take a break from my cave map because my hands get tired and painful really easily. Plus, I wanted something I could actually realistically finish in time for the challenge deadline, and hand-drawing is not that for me.

So while working on the textures and aiming for gentle hills sloping down to the water, I got more of a cliff-y jungle-y sort of river than originally intended but liked it enough to stick with it. As a result, the buildings are all made of wood jutting up out of the tree canopy, with wood and rope bridges connecting them and the islands to one another.

### LATEST WIP ###


I need to work on the scale and angle of the building/bridge textures, but that can wait for now while I get the buildings actually placed. I want to add more shadow later as well to elevate some of the islands a bit more, as well as add a couple of merchant ships and work on the doreys (doris?) a bit more (those mini round things on the water are supposed to be those round fishing dorey things).

And labels. The black-stroked pale green labels don't work.