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Thread: Versions of same map

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  1. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by Pixie View Post
    It may be a little cheeky of me to suggest this, but I would love to put forth a little bit of my fantasy world for this. Heck, it surely is cheeky, but I would be so proud!

    I've got elevation and climates mapped out, as well as rivers and possible/actual settlements (even with names, in some areas). There's areas of historical relevance, areas with interesting geology, areas that are predominantly land and areas where the coast can be the focal point... (did I sell the idea, by now?)

    Anyways, food for your thoughts..
    While different from what I was thinking, that would be a pretty cool challenge I think.
    My basic premise was to have a basic map that everyone is starting from. Then each person is trying to map it as they see it - whatever style they would use.
    So 10 contestants, 10 maps - but all based on the same source map. It's a bit like the challenge you linked to Max but not as hard lined.
    And it would allow for tainotim's point as well. No one is actually utilizing the original file in their map as they are making a redo of it in the style of their choosing.

    Lots of room there. Could be done in perspective, top down, atlas style, cartoony... just that they are all doing the same area of the same source map.
    I hope that is understandable. Maybe? I would have no problem going with Pixie's work as the source but it needs to be nailed down to one area. If that is coastal, fine. Or mountainous, fine. But everyone would be mapping the same area.

    Pixie - some info may not be used as it might be too constricting. It could be used by participants if they wanted it but need not be if they did not want to.
    The key would be the terrain and outlines.

    So, does that explain it clear enough?

    edit - I had another thought. This challenge could be duplicated for either lite or normal challenge. It's not too complex for lite nor too easy for the normal challenge.
    Last edited by J.Edward; 10-30-2015 at 12:31 AM.

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