After a stint of re-learning what it's like to have a newborn again, I've finally had sometime to map out a few things. I'm running Hollow's Last Hope for my little cousins and some first time players via a VTT. There are several maps that don't exist in the module so I decided to make them. Though they are pretty rough I needed to bang them out quickly and get everything into the software before thanksgiving. Thoughts and comments on how to make them better welcome as always as well as a big thanks to the community for providing the accessories and great things to populate the map.

First up is Roots and Remedies
Roots and Remedies.jpg

The Eldest Tree
Eldest Tree.jpg

and Ulizmila’s Hut (roof on and roof off)
Hag's Hut Roof on.jpg Hag's Hut Roof Off.jpg

I'm also working on the last map of the module as well but don't like how it's coming out. I'm thinking I might trash it and start from scratch again.
Dorskar's Crucible.jpg