Quote Originally Posted by Tancread View Post
I guess it is a matter of taste...
My big problem is that you made the characters even more cookie cutter. This fighter is just like that fighter over there. I hate cookie cutter game.

Quote Originally Posted by Tancread View Post
There is a bit of miniatures game feel to the combat, but it moves quickly and is fun for everyone even at level one. A real achievement in my view.
I took part in the World Wide Gameday WotC thew back in June. It felt like they made an MMO for the table top to me. And to make matters worse, they put the RPGA rules in the PHB.

Quote Originally Posted by Tancread View Post
I certainly had more fun than the one session I tried of 3ed. The players in the 3ed game I was in were all about the rules, multi-classed Ninja / woodchuck / Paladins with psionics that were mowing down all the poor DM could throw at them.
That's the GM's fault for letting munchkins run wild on him. I don't invite rules lawyers, munchkins, or hack masters back to my game table, they just aren't my cup of tea.

I'm there to have fun and players like tht rob the game if it.

Whats missing in 4th isn't whats missed, its what they added. All those shades of gray. PC Demons and Dragons? Giving a wild card ability to any race other than Human? What was WotC thinking?

Quote Originally Posted by Tancread View Post
As far as the electronic tools they seem to be vaporware so far, I think they got into a deeper pool than they thought they were getting into and are now trying to figure out what promises they can actually deliver on. I will happily give it a look when it comes out, but I expect I will be puttering away at my maps just as I did in the seventies; only with much more expensive electronic markers than the old colored pens I used then.
I take everything WotC says with a grain of salt. They have a bad habit of making promises they can't keep. Like the $19.95 game books promise they only upheld for a think a year.

Then there was e-tools.