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Thread: Calculating area, length, width, etc

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    Default Calculating area, length, width, etc

    All right, well, admittedly math has never been my strong suit...

    The darker green region in my map (obviously a wip) is ~709440px (according to Photoshop’s histogram tool). At its widest points, the region is ~1250px (east-west) and ~820px (north-south).

    Say the region is ~23,648mi2 in area… That would work out to 30mi per pixel, right? (709440/23648 = 30 or 709440/30 = 23648)

    So, then, that would mean that the region is ~41.7 and ~27.3 miles, in width and length respectively. (1250/30 = 41.66 and 820/30 = 27.33)

    Is that all correct?

    Because it seems strange… Wales, for example, runs about 170 miles (north-south) and 60 miles (east-west), with a total area of ~8,000mi2… How can the length/width of my region be much smaller than Wales, yet have a total area that is much larger?
    Apparently, my ~23,648mi2 region could somehow fit within the boundaries of square that’s 100 x 100 miles, that is to say 10,000mi2 in area… but that can’t be right, can it? I must be doing something wrong here.
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    Last edited by Hikki-Jin; 11-05-2015 at 04:15 PM.

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