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Thread: Pixellated stroke on paths in Photoshop

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    Default Pixellated stroke on paths in Photoshop

    Does anyone else have trouble with rendering smooth lines in Photoshop via the stroke in layer effects? I've been trying to draw a city map, first at 150ppi and then at 300ppi to see if the resolution made a difference, but I keep getting jagged stroke. It doesn't seem to matter if I use shapes or paths, 100% hardness on the brushes or 90%. Some lines render just fine, but others get this awful pixelly look to them.


    I've tried looking it up, but the only useful suggestion I could find was to reset my Photoshop preferences, which hasn't done squat to fix the issue. I can't find anywhere to change the anti-alias settings, either, and I'm not sure if that's even the problem to begin with.

    Has anyone else ever encountered this problem with Photoshop? How did you fix it? At this rate, I'm going to have to switch to Paint Tool SAI for the line-art, but that doesn't do shapes very easily so I'd rather not...


    I've tried it with the Edit > Stroke menu (as opposed to stroking via layer effects) and it's much smoother, but it also means I can't easily edit the lines via blending options.
    Last edited by soggymuse; 11-11-2015 at 06:53 AM.

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