This 'River City' project is a continuation of a design I came up with for the Oct / Nov 2015 Lite Challenge. I wasn't happy with how that turned out, but I liked the general idea of an industrial city with a significant waterway network.


I plan to turn this into a fairly detailed city map. I will be using Affinity Designer to create a contemporary commercial-style map. I'm specifically thinking of the A-Z Maps we have in the UK. I'll develop my own style, but this is what I'm shooing for.

River City WIP 001.png

This is my first time attempting something like this so I'm going to have to figure out a lot of stuff, starting with the scale. I'm thinking that what I've drawn will represents an area of about 8km x 5km. This will allow me to show some detail. I don't envision this as an entire city, just the center.

I have more ideas for the lore behind this city, but I'll talk about that when I post more.