Quote Originally Posted by ChickPea View Post
Looking good, Abu!
Your cliff buildings look great and I love how they're worked into the cliff face. The gun tower is just epic! Also, I like the new font better than the old one. Not quite sure what it was about the original font. Maybe it was just a bit too cliché? The new one works really well.
Great work so far.
Thanks a lot ChickPea! Drawing theses modern structures is way harder than i thought before (have to second Meshon's words about the long way to go, to actually be able to draw the things i have in mind ), so i'm really glad you like them so far!

Quote Originally Posted by jshoer View Post
I'll second the comment about the cliffs and cliff-wall buildings! You did a great job blending them together, and using the combination of both to give a sense of height to the map.
I'm wondering if, as you're thinking about the oil lake, you've been keeping Saturn's moon Titan in mind?
Thank you Joseph, much appreciated! The shading to come might give more height/depth to the map aswell (i hope so at least ).
I haven't heard about the hydrocarbonic seas on Titan before, but it's really fascinating and have to research more on this.
Originally, i just thought about an interesting (not nessecarily realistic... ) geographic feature for a desert planet, and as mentioned above, a reason for people to settle there. I somehow liked the idea, that they don't even need to drill for the oil, just pump it directly from the lake . Absolutely no idea whether something alike is even possible (given it's not on a "slightly" colder planet/moon like titan).

Quote Originally Posted by J.Edward View Post
The cliffs look great Abu.
Thanks John! As written before, i always loved the way you do cliffs on your maps, so they are heavily inspired by your work. But man, i really have to practice a LOT more on them (as on many other things)! I think i should name them "Stevenson Heights" or something like this...