Hey everyone! I just happened upon this forum, and it is really nice to see so many people share my passion for cartography! And here I thought I was a freak

Anyway, I am currently designing a city for the DnD camaign I am DMing for. I think the way I designed it is reasonably feasible - though I would love to hear your imput, especially on a few specific things. The text on the map are in Dutch, so the names of the districts will probably be unreadable for you, je me regrette (though I could translate, if desired). Or you could just image it being a strange and exotic fantasy language

A short overview of the city
Thyrnau is the capital of a huge magocratic empire. The government and upper class districts are mostly in the southern part of the city, and grew organically. The northern half is more planned out, as it was decided Thyrnau would become the capital of a new empire due to the arrival of the god Thyr's avatar (the huge sphere hovering above the harbor and "Wijze Meester's Heuvel" (Wise Master's Hill). To the west of Thyrnau is an ocean, to the east a sea bordering many imperial provinces and some foreign nations. To the north and south are more provinces of the empire.

Thyrnau v1.png

Things I am unsure about at the moment
I am unsure about the city's moat. It is to my understanding that any medieval city worth its salt had a moat. I am unsure whether it would be problematic to connect a moat directly to the sea, because the tides would then directly influence the water level in the moat. Perhaps a series of sluices would mitigate this problem? But then these might be a prime spot for a besieging army to sabotage. Perhaps I should make it a dry moat? Thoughts? Any moat experts around...?

Also, how many people would live in a city this size? 30 thousand? 60? 100? As you can see I really do not have a clue

Lastly: any weirdness or awkwardness you can spot, please point it out! I would love to hear the things I did wrong, hahaha.

Thanks in advance!