This is my first map, of a single continent on the Eastern side of my world.

WorldMap Eastrise3.jpg

As you can see from looking closely at the eastern-most mountain range, the mountain vaguely resembles a person. This is intentional. In this setting, giants are immortal and just grow larger and larger, but increasingly lethargic. Thus, when they get too big and tired, they take to the endless(?) ocean and lay down, taking care not to lay on top of other giants. Over time, sediment collects around their bodies, and landmasses form. The older mountains are worn down by erosion, hence why the two western mountain ranges are not quite as built up. And also why some of the major rivers originate where they do. Giants are apparently bed wetters.

This version includes labels for regions and some limited settlement markers. Greener areas represent vegetation, browner areas and whiter areas progress toward desert. There is also an extensive "underdark", which is basically the veins, arteries, and capillaries of giants. I think it likely that underground rivers feed the lake in the middle of the Basin Desert.

The continent is roughly 2600 miles wide, IIRC. The western reaches experience powerful storms while the eastern shore is somewhat tranquil. The Basin Desert is partially artificial, due to poor tending of the land there. Winters can be brutal and cold, though the Southern River Valley area and the southern and eastern coastlines escape this somewhat.

Questions, comments and suggestions are appreciated.

Edit: I plan to redraw the mountains and hills at some point.