
Hey everyone, This is a freaking amazing place!

This is my first map. I have a **** poor internet connection at the moment, and I was stuck with Inkarnate and AutoRealm for a while until I finally got GIMP. yesterday. (I have no real working knowledge of GIMP, I used it about 2 years ago to fool around with textures for a Skyrim mod I abandoned after a couple of weeks)

I used Giddea's Hand-Drawn Map Tutorial and have downloaded quite a few resources from the Resource thread, included the trees. I'll post the cred's in my last post.

The map is 10 miles wide and about 8 miles N-S.

Questions I need some help with:

1) How can I improve the smudging in the corner?

2) I need some ideas on what to do with the center islands, which are completely urban. I thought about just placing a couple of Fort brushes where appropriate, and 2 or 3 of the handdrawn houses, but I don't really like it as it leaves too much empty space. Stacking a bunch of them looks pretty bad and they have to be too small to make out any detail. I ripped some house icons out of autorealm and tried that, but too digital. I thought about blacking out a box and drawing some white lines through it for streets but I haven't tried it yet and don't have much excitement for that on this particular map.

3) I tried (and wasn't unhappy with) torn edges. What's the consensus on torn raggedy edges or burn holes..or damaged maps in general?

4) How can I reduce the texture in the water? I was too aggressive with the bumpmap and I can't revert to an old layer. Should I just redo it?

That's all I can think of for the moment, I'd love some help and feedback with this please!