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Thread: The Wayward Traveler's Guide Taverns: The Drunk Dragon Tavern

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    Guild Adept Facebook Connected jpstod's Avatar
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    Map The Wayward Traveler's Guide Taverns: The Drunk Dragon Tavern

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    The Wayward Traveler's Guide Taverns
    Drunk Dragon Tavern
    1"= 5ft Battlemap
    (72 DPI Campaign Cartographer 3 Symbol Set 4 Dungeons of Schley)

    The Wayward Traveler's Guide Taverns: The Drunk Dragon Tavern
    Through the Winter Storm I crossed through the pass down into the Valley below. I could smell the smoke rising from the Tavern's Fireplaces. The 3 Story Stone Tavern sat on the lake's edge. I followed the path to the front door and hurried inside. Just inside the entry a warm fire was burning inside the fireplace. A Tapestry hung on the opposite wall. I closed the door behind me before opening the opposite door to keep the Winter's chill out. The Common room was friendly and welcoming. A Fireplace flanked by a bar on each side warded off the cold outside. Behind the Bar on each side were casks of Ales and Lagers. Several patrons sat at a couple of the chairs at the bar and at a few of the tables inside the comon room. A Barmatron kindly offered to get a hot bowl of stew from the kitchen. The food smelled quite delicious. I saw several plates of fried trout with root vegetables on several tables. I could hear the kitchen staff behind a set of double doors and hear more patrons through another set of double doors. I selected a Warmed cider and inquired about a room. I selected a private room on the third floor with a bath. Having been a few days since my last bath I wanted to clean up before coming down to eat and enjoy the evenings entertainment by a traveling minstrel in the larger room. Several Nice tables sat around the larger room which had a large fireplace also lit. Windows offered a view of the Lake. A Large Spiral staircase lead to the Upper floors. The Young Porter took my pack and started up the Spiral stairs. A few coopers was all it took to get a quick tour of the second floor. The large common room had a large fireplace and about 12 cots and 3 tables. There were 8 semi private rooms with a few furnishings. A Large common bath had 6 tubs. Two private baths were located on this floor. ready to get some rest we headed up the stairs to the third floor. Again the floor had a nice furnished common room with a huge Fireplace and nicer furnishings. I had opted for a small single room. After placing my gear in the room I walked around the floor some. A Peek through a Window here and there I realized there was 3 single rooms and 3 Multi room suites on this floor. Each room had it's own chamber pot. Maybe later I will opt to rent a Mult room suite, perhaps the one with a Balconey. There is a Balconey over looking the lake also.

    The rates here are reasonable
    The Tavern has its own Brewery
    There is also a stable with 10 stalls available if needed
    The food ranges from seasonal meats such as deer and elk and plenty of fish dishes..
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    Last edited by jpstod; 12-11-2015 at 09:44 PM. Reason: Added Final Maps and updated the description
    The Wayward Traveler
    Guildmaster Galveston Island Adventurer's Guild

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