Another WIP, I hope I get to finish this one.

I'm beginning this map as a hex grid laid on top of an icosahedral projection. I have a couple of reasons for this:

  • The icosahedral projection has low distortion and can be rearranged on demand to see things in a different perspective
  • Hex grids give me a good sense of dimension as long as I'm aware of the scale of each hex
  • Hexes feel more natural to work with than pixels, and they translate much better into the icosahedral map
  • I can increase the resolution regionally, meaning that I don't have to exhaust myself making the entire world as detailed as a small island.
  • The dynamic resolution allows me to use the map as a master map for the world, that way I don't have to remake everything whenever I wish to switch scale.
  • Even though it was a pain to set up, I already have a pipeline for switching back and forth between a equirectangular projections and a icosahedral one

The plan for this is to have a world map I can expand, edit and go back to on demand for my setting.

Below is a section of the map at three different levels of detail, with the smallest one being about the area of control of a castle, fortress of settlement (25km radius, about the distance cavalry can ride and still fight afterwards in a day).

  • The first level is what I used to block the landmasses
  • The second level is to define shapes
  • The third level is for exporting to make regional maps