
Here are somethings to know about me:

  1. I am a poor artist and struggle through map making.
  2. I am deeply interested in demographics.
  3. I am a self-taught programmer and scripter. My specialty is php and MySql
  4. I am a great number cruncher

I've spent the last few years researching medieval demographics and script-modeling various scenarios, such as small community demographics, life expectancy, racial distributions in a fantasy setting, class or profession distributions in a fantasy setting, and historical cycles. My current project is a land/nation/kingdom generator that will populate continents with various lands, populations, government types, and religions. The script is flexible, allowing the easy substitutions of datasets. My goal is to be able to create a very immersive and organic experience for my players.

I am here to learn what I can about map making. Eventually, my number crunching has to be transformed into hills, and lakes, mountains, cities, and valleys.