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Thread: Fantasy World Map

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    Default Fantasy World Map

    Hi, Thanks for reading, I'd like a map similar to the following attached map. Map A2 Alpha.jpg
    I have for the past few years made my own maps for worldbuilding purposes, however, I have simply grown tired of spending days on end making geographic maps when what I really want to get to is the world building. I'd like if the map was made in PSD, however, this is not a requirement and any will do. My reason for this is to see what can be made with the program I've been using for years, and again not a major requirement.
    I've included biomes for what I'd like each region to look like, and a orange circle indicating the land masses I wanted done, there are also mountain chains and rivers. Cities and countries are not needed, as I would like to be able to do that myself afterwards by editing over top the map afterwards. I'd like this map to look aesthetically pleasing and accurate scale of mountains forests are not a major issue, I have still included a scale on the map indicating what 400km in length looks like, however.
    I'd like it in a style similar to the following links and 8 x 6 inches, 500 pixels, in a jpeg format. (if possible include a PSD file, if not its totally fine)
    This map is for my personal use, and I am willing to pay (Paypal required), however the final amount will depend upon the quality of the work.
    You can reach me at, I ask that you include some of your work to get an idea of what a completed project might look like.
    The artist of this map may use the work in a portfolio or something akin to it, however, I would like to retain commercial ownership over it. If you have any questions regarding feel free to ask. Thanks again.
    References to what I'd like it to look like.
    Attached Images Attached Images

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