Hello, my name is CimmerianHydra (you can call me just Hydra) and I'm an RPG enthusiast. I just love roleplaying; lately I've taken interest into D&D map-making. This led me here; everything I have to say is I'm amazed at how good this site is, you definitely got the best maps around the whole web. I hope to learn a couple things as I wander through the galleries.

Oh and seriously, erect a statue for Ascension's glory. He truly is the one who makes the best maps. I'm saying this because his tutorials and advices already helped me a lot to start my first, trembling steps into the world of cartography.

What am I capable of? Well, I'm a 3D and 2D artist - I've dabbled with Computer Graphics for... How old was I? 11 years, 12 years old? - and I range from Special Effects to 3D Modeling to Game-oriented 3D Modeling to Advertisements to Film Editing to Digital Drawing/Painting (and traditional drawing/painting) to Level Design to a lot of stuff I can't even recall.
And, again, I've got a crush on RPGs. May it be videogames, tabletops, D&D (which also is a tabletop but whatever), play by forum/chat, or anything along those lines. Oh, and I'm Italian, so if you find any mistakes feel free to correct me :3

So this sums up CimmerianHydra. Hoping to find my way into this wonderful world ASAP.
Oh and, of course, thank you all for keeping up this site's heat.