Quote Originally Posted by Robert Boucher View Post

What do you think? This is also my fourth of fifth time coloring anything so... it sucks. lol But I will be adding tree lines at the bottom and much more detail in the grasslands bellow.

Are the peaks too low looking to have snow cover?
There is no rule about the number and form of the détails. In any case you don't need to bother about it yet. Few détails at the right places is better than many on wrong places. Actually the détails are supposed to enhance a feature you SEE. If you see Nothing then there is no detail. So if you see a rock slab going down a slope with a cliff on the left side then you add just a slab with a cliff. Etc.
Learn in that order : overal range shape -> individual mountain Inside the range -> shading on individual mountains -> détails -> coloring

When yo go through the whole process untill the last point you get Something like that :


But as you are between stage 1 and 2 right now, I wouldn't suggest to jump to the last. The results risk to be disappointing. I know that what all adviced you here may seem like repeating the same thing all the time. But it is REALLY the Truth - nobody gets anywhere without training. Once you do correct B&W shaded mountain ranges you may try attacking colors but this last stage is quite difficult and takes a lot of time time to get it at least half right.