Actually, the forest looks quite nice! Can't see the full detail here through Tapatalk (they have a lousy zoom function), but I like what I see.

My issue is rather with the mountains. While they look magnificent on their own (they do!), I'm a bit worried they don't fit in size-wise. Some look taller than the width of the islands, especially the ones on that narrow strip of an island to the NE. It gives the impression of a huge vertical ridge rising up from the foam. It's true that mountains on this type of map are symbols and not exact depictions of real mountains, but there's a limit to how exaggerated their size can be. The larger the area represented on the map, the smaller the mountains should be. Less is more!

But that aside, I'd like to repeat I love your mountains. I believe they'd be great on a regional map (they constantly remind me of the Dolomites, a region that would be gorgeous if you'd ever decide to map them with these mountains), but I think this map would benefit from smaller, more gently rising ones.