From the desk of Nori

Hello! I am an ameteur map maker, I only started making real maps about two months ago. What I mean about this is, I used to draw my maps and do nothing with them until about two months ago when my friend and former high school bud decided to introduce me to the miracles of Paint.Net because, dear god is Photoshop expensive.

Anyway, I decided that I would look for a place to learn and gain opinions and do more to help myself become better. I recently drew a map on a sticky note and hope to get it posted up sometime this week to show you all. But first, I need some help at using Paint.Net and castle, I want to grow. Starting with Castles, then towns, then countries and maybe worlds, but that seems a bit much. But still, any advice would be great and I can't wait to come and join!

And once again, Hello!