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Thread: The Köppen–Geiger climate classification made simpler (I hope so)

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  1. #11
    Guild Artisan Charerg's Avatar
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    Feb 2015


    You're probably right about the cold currents. In the most recent version the "rainy area" reaches approximately 15 S latitude, which, if you look at Africa, is about where the Namib desert ends. All in all, I envision southwestern Eocidar as more or less comparable with Western Africa in terms of climate (in other words, not a desert, but not very rainy either for the most part). Considering that the African monsoon reaches all the way to the Sahel during the rainy season, I think the recent version is reasonable, with possibly the area west of Eocidar's "inner sea" a bit too wet in january, but it's hard to judge whether the precipitations are too high without seeing the climates themselves, since the equatorial latitudes mean a lot of evaporation even the areas with light rain are probably going to end up with a dry climate type.

    Also, the Atlas mountains do receive rain during winter if I'm not mistaken? At least historically Northern Africa was "the bread basket" of the Roman Empire so it's not really desert (if not very rainy, necessarily). All in all, I think it's rare to find mountains with a true desert climate, except in the heart of the Sahara perhaps. So, I think a modest degree of rain along the mountain ranges during the "wet season" is justified. Although again, a bit hard to judge based on just the precipitation maps, I may have exaggerated the effect or made the rainy area too large.
    Last edited by Charerg; 01-29-2016 at 01:52 PM.

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