Good afternoon, everybody.

My name is Alex. I am 19, a college freshman, musician, writer, geography nut, and now apparently an amatuer cartographer! Life's exciting.

About a month ago I discovered a Subreddit called r/Worldbuilding. I was always in love with the concept of imagining an entire world, but now I had a way to express it. After lurking on that subreddit for a while, I eventually found my way onto this forum board. I absolutely love cartography, and never realized there was a place like this- finally, my muse can rest.

That being said, as of this moment, I have zero completed maps. I have started several, but I haven't had the time to finish any. I decided to make an account here to practice my cartography. My plan, currently, is to draft one map a month. While I have Photoshop and GIMP, I stress that I MUCH prefer hand-drafted maps, and plan on drawing them exclusively.

I do have two questions.

1) What tools/supplies do you use while hand-drafting maps? Right now I'm using 26b sketch pencils. And, well, printer paper.

2) What's one thing you wish you knew when you first started mapping?

Thanks ahead of time. Before anyone asks, I've been a good lurker, and have already read through the various guides and links posted.