Hmmm. Well, from my perspective:

1. We're not an architecture site, per se, although there is some overlap.
2. There are no voting criteria - we vote solely on what we, as individuals, find appealing (ideally the vote should be towards the entries that best fulfill the brief also, but this isn't the Oscars - we're not that strict).
3. Just because folks are mapping things that have been mapped before, it doesn't invalidate the entry. If there was One True Way of mapping something, no one would ever attempt another version, and what a boring world that would be. It feels like you're invalidating your own argument also, by suggesting that the Taj Mahal would've been a better choice, based on your opinion that it is a more beautiful tomb. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and all that.
4. There's no 'old boys network'. We don't railroad people's votes. Of course we have a definitive preference for what we like - that's what makes us human.

Hope that helps.