Just in case any of you were interested...I thought I'd share with you all the source image of the logo and thus the inspiration for the theme of this website. A while back I started modelling a compass rose like object that I was inspired by some crazy psychology program.

It eventually became its own entity and no longer represented the inspiration, so instead of leaving it as just an object, I decided to place it in a scene and give it a purpose.


I'm actually not finished with the scene as a whole, but you can get an idea by looking at it where its going. The object I imagine in the world of fantasy would be a form of magical scrying device. And I imagine it would operate a lot like google earth...you place it over a map and through some divination magic it would identify the map and you could peer into the central gemstone and see an aerial view of what it was representing...and the smaller gemstones would control pan and zoom or something kooky like that.

I still have some fine-tuning of the scene and the materials before its finalized, but eventually I'll render off a final and probably sell prints of it along with my other artwork on that site.

Enjoy that "behind the scenes" peek at the inspiration for this theme.