Hello everybody !

My name is Thomas and I go by thomrey on the forum. I'm from France and live in Paris. I'm a complete stranger to any field that involves drawing except some schematics for my pupils (I teach physics in high school). This is not my first post, I already posted some work around without taking some time to introduce myself, so please accept my apologies for this little lack of politeness.

I'm new to drawing maps and I came to it through RPGs. I'm currently working on a gaming map for the (very good) french game "Oltrée !" and I'm about to post some work on which I'd really appreciate your help.

I've been roaming on the forum for a while now, keeping quiet but observing with great interest the wonderful works you people post and I'm amazed by the quality of the maps published here.

I mainly use twitter to check on the news and discover awesome maps and WIPs.

So here's for the presentation and many thanks for what you share.

Let's post some works in progress now !
