Hi, I have been reading the forum trying to find another noob that has the same requirements as me, but couldn't find any, so I am asking for your wisdom, fellow cartographers!

I have a very clear request. I am a DM that has 0 artistic skill, not much time to prepare maps and a LOT of ideas I want to drop FAST in my maps. Maps for me are models, I don't intend to make them be anything beyond that or it will take time out of the campaign plot planning.
So, I want something that makes easier on the functional side of things, but I need more flexibility than battle maps, i.e. I want to create anything; city, dungeon, battle, continent... again, everything is a model, measurements, outlines, placeholders and clarity.

To make it clearer, this is a objective list of what my dream setup would have (could be more than one software and hardware)
  • Size and distance measurement, easy to handle scales.
  • Capable of producing on the fly representations of things (again, just a model). Sometimes players decide to go the other way and I have nothing prepared, so I need to sketch maps on the fly.
  • Not constrained to placing squares or hexes, but creating anything from a continent to a dungeon.
  • Automatable. I am a programmer and i love scripts, presets, and HOTKEYS
  • Wont mind it being expert oriented. I prefer a steep learning curve as long as the mastery is compensated with increased productivity.
  • OK with spending money if worth it.

From reading in the forums, seems like CC is good for fast drafting non artistic maps, is that correct? What about to sketch things on the fly, should I also get a tablet + free drawing software or is CC or some other option as fast as sketching with a tablet?

If you are a DM cartographer, how long does it take usually for you to produce a quest map?
