AKA "Some land and a bit of sea" and "a bloated pelican getting ready to drop a kite into a bunch of custard"

This… is a world me and a friend conjured up while we got into a spontaneous Messenger-based roleplay session I then started writing a story and fleshing out the setting, and as a mandatory part of all my writing projects, a map of course had to be made. The style is inspired by early 1900's maps and the technique is a random mix of everything as usual

Thanks to (in order of appearance!) Diamond, Arsheesh, Ilanthar, Jshoer, DanielHasenbos, Schwarzkreuz, GreatWhiteNorth, Vorropohaiah, -Max-, Caenwyr, and Carnifex for the feedback and support! WIP-thread is here: http://www.cartographersguild.com/sh...ad.php?t=33107
