Welcome to the Guild, jrforesm!

The first that catches my eye with your map are the very straight borders between regions. Whilst these do occur, seeing so many in such close proximity doesn't feel quite natural to me. Could you add some variation in those, just to mix it up a little? There are a couple of river issues too. The one at the top border of the Norndey region catches my eye particularly. It shouldn't split off from your main river like that. Take a look at this thread for some advice. It's best to start your rivers in mountainous or hilly regions, then have them wind towards the coasts, joining up as they go, but never splitting. How about, instead of your rivers starting in Endfall and flowing up past your mountains, start a couple at the bottom of your mountain range instead and have them flow down through Endfall, then out to the coasts? Of course, having read your intro text, you may have a particular world-building reason for the way the rivers are just now, which is absolutely fine, but it's something to consider if you want to make your geography realistic.

I think you're off to a really nice start, and your story sounds awesome! I've never tried artrage but I've seem some fantastic results from it. Looking forward to seeing you develop your world.