Hello Cartographers guild,

I am an epic fantasy author and am about to release book II in my series. I already have a map that I drew of the continent where my story takes place, but I would like it done really nicely in CC3+ (Campaign Cartographer).

The continent has several nations in it, so I'd really like to have the full continent and then be able to extract each nation so I can give readers the full view of the continent and a closer up of the nations as needed.

I am willing to pay for this, and would be happy to negotiate a fair price. I have drawings of the maps, so I just need it put into CC3.

I will own the copyright and reproduction rights and rights to sell and distribute the maps as I see fit. I am happy to let the Cartographer use the maps for personal use and for advertising their skills as a cartographer, but not for commercial purpose.

If you are interested, please contact me at perrymorris85@gmail.com to discuss. I would like to see examples of your work before we begin negotiating prices and I will also give you copies of the map so you can estimate a cost.

