Hello all,

This is a major remake of my first-ever fantasy map. The original version I posted here was basically the first thing I made when I bought Fractal Terrains a few years back and has been my personal bugbear ever since. But, like a good bugbear, like a teddy-bugbear. To put it another way, a major personal worldbuilding project.

Below are a couple of style variations from my master Photoshop file (with layers for different types of data). This master map is mostly for my reference and will be eventually be broken down into a number of smaller regional maps, so the labeling is less-than-ideal for a broad overview.

First, a true-colour version using image climate resources for FT3 I found so long ago I'm not sure I can properly credit them. They're either from a2area's awesome Israh tutorial or the Terraformer resources from Profantasy (or more likely a combination I made and then stupidly merged the layers from).

Re-make 04c 2.jpg

Then the topo layer with the first few completed countries laid over.

Re-make 04c.jpg

You may notice from the coordinate lines that Lhem exists on a true discworld. The atmosphere bulges at the perimeter of the disc creating colder climates toward the bottom of the map.