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Thread: Guild World Map - Community Challenge

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    Default Guild World Map - Community Challenge

    To celebrate the Guild's 10th Anniversary, we're getting together to map a Guild World map.
    The discussions started on March 20th as Robbie and I got the date wrong and started talking up the anniversary.
    We all discussed and concluded on mapping this thing. We voted on what to map and here we are.

    For this map we are all assigned countries to map. Once we're all done, I'll go about compositing them all into one large world map.
    Maybe I'll even do it up as a globe in g.projector.
    I am going to post your country for you to download - it's just a base for you to work from.
    The yellow/orange lines are mountain ranges/ridge lines and the blue lines are rives.
    Many country borders are formed with rivers, so we'll just have to work that out later for compositing.
    This is to be fun so not many rules really.

    If you want to map your plot-o-land larger than the base map, just please double or triple the size of the map, so that when I am compositing it I can easily scale it back down to the original size.
    You can map outside your country boundary if you wish to, to have a nice completed atlas-like map. I will just have to cut all that out for the big composite, but that's ok.
    I think it will be cool to have all of these atlas pages.

    Any style you want to use is fine here. This won't be a clean homogeneous map no matter what we do so go as crazy as you want.
    You can work with your neighbors to work out history or language if you want.
    Here's a quote Robbie had said while we were planning this....
    "I actually prefer the idea of mapping countries...that way there's less confusion and problems with people coming up with names for things and such. And there's also the potential for members to "ally" with each other to name things and form alliances amongst themselves or enemies..."

    Any questions, I will try to answer as we go along.
    We will try to shoot for completion on April 20th [actual 10th anniversary date] if we can but that's not a hard date.
    Ultimately we'd like to have a nice completed map.
    If people can't finish in time, their country will get some sort of 'cloud of war' kind of thing covering it [till completed].
    Unclaimed territory will be picked up and done by others once a sufficient amount of time has passed for any new entrants to get in late if they want.

    All the map data for everyone's countries is in next post, so hold off commenting till I get that up in a few minutes.

    ATTN - It would be good if everyone could include their map no. in the thread title (like how Ravells did) so that we can easily see where your particular map is located in the 'Big Picture'.

    We also have the thumbnail scraper set up in this folder and I'm hoping it should work without any problems. Therefore if you put ### LATEST WIP ### just above your images as you post them, they should show in the thumbnails gallery and let everyone see at a glance where we're all at. Maybe someone could test this with a sample image just to make sure it's all working? You don't have to do this, as we aren't going to be voting or anything, but it'd be nice to be able to see all the images in the one place.

    EDIT - Steffen asked about doing the water in his map - here's my response -
    "For the individual atlas type pages/maps, I think everyone should feel free to fully map the whole region showing if they want to, including water.
    If I need to make changes for the BIG picture, that's okay. I figured I'd just let it roll and see what happens. "

    Another note - the mountain ranges are guidelines. Play with it, have fun, nothing is super rigid.
    Have a question - just ask. I'll try to monitor this thread and respond as quick as I can [unless I'm asleep ].

    MAIN MAP will be updated here - so look here for changes to the main map.
    Also, get the png scale here as well. thanks, J

    Map data for each country by number and name....
    Due to making the changes with adding new landmasses, I had to make a new scale and alter the circ of the world.
    Circ is now 24,000, so 15 degrees is 1000 miles, which makes for a much cleaner scale.
    It doesn't change much from the old scale, just maybe 20 miles or so.

    PNG map scale - 1000 miles
    Guildworld - new scale 01a.png
    png 500 mile scale
    Guildworld - 500 mile scale.png
    Main map [numbered]
    Guild World Map base - numbered countries 15.jpg

    Country # > Guild member
    1 Gamerprinter
    2 Chashio
    3 ChickPea
    4 Abu Lafia
    5 J.Edward
    6 Arsheesh
    7 GLS
    8 Bogie
    9 Savage Orc
    10 [lesopeso] Tom
    11 Falconius
    12 snodsy
    13 Josiah VE
    14 Ilanthar
    15 Tonnichiwa
    16 DanielHasenbos
    17 -Max-
    18 Korash
    19 Robbie
    20 Barek333
    21 tainotim
    22 waldronate
    23 ravells
    24 Diamond
    25 Azelor
    26 Lingon
    27 SteffenBrand
    28 Deadshade
    29 Warlin
    30 RedKettle
    31 Meshon
    32 Jshoer
    33 Vorropohaiah
    34 Redrobes
    35 Carnifex
    36 Domino44
    37 Amonite
    38 Fabio P
    39 Will Phillips
    40 JBGibson
    41 Romeinoneday
    42 Goombac
    43 Robulous
    44 SrgDark
    45 Jaxilon
    46 Troedel
    47 Santos
    48 Ranger
    49 Schwarzkreuz
    50 A.coldyham
    51 eViLe_eAgLe
    52 Corilliant
    53 tilt
    54 Caenwyr
    55 thomrey
    56 Gawainuk
    57 Hugo Solis
    Last edited by J.Edward; 04-25-2017 at 11:32 PM.

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