Hello everyone

I found the Cartographer's Guild via Google search. I would like to enlist an enthusiastic and imaginative cartographer to condense my world into a map; this will help me greatly as I work on my fantasy novel.

My world is a place full of chaos, magic and wonder; I am only looking to turn a single continent into a map with reference points, outlining some of the most important locations that concern my story.

I know that "Middle Earth" sounds like a cliché to the extent that I probably deserve to be shot for saying this. However, this piece of work really did set the precedent in terms of quality cartography and story-telling. If you are comfortable drawing mountains, forests, deserts, swamps and bits of nothing in between, garnished with the odd chasm, cliff, fjord, floating island and a few coconut trees, then you will probably find this request well within your comfort zone.

The only thing I would say is that I'd like this map to be a little more cartoony than the "norm".

I have created a draft (a very rubbish draft) of what the continent could in theory look like. I can send to you a few images that outline the general layout of the borders; where forests are; location of mountains; towns and villages; etc. I will rely on your experience as a cartographer to turn these drafts into a map that doesn't look like a 5-year old's school project (which is precisely what my drafts look like at the moment).

I have looked through various commissions on the web and I came across a few where the commissioning party offered $50. I realise that some professionals charge a lot more, but I am not sure I can afford to spend a great deal more at the moment. If you feel this is reasonable please show me examples of your work and let's start a private discussion about how we can go about this.

I am not sure if my instant messaging will work, as I've only been a member for a day or two, but I would suggest you email me (with samples of your work) at:

I look forward to hearing from you!

Warm regards