The gate keeper quickly turned and sent a runner to bring the Lord of the City.
As crowds shifted out into the streets near the gate, hungry dogs sniffed the sharp scented air and licked their drooling mouths in anticipation.
Trumpets were heard in the center of the city informing all that the Lord was on his way.
From shaded brows, the crowd eyed the strangers from another land suspiciously, yet not to say maliciously.

Finally the citizens of the city began to part as the Lord of the Yellow Lands strode confidently toward the great gate of the city.
From a distance he hailed the newcomers with a deep bellow of welcoming and stepped directly to the emissary...

"Welcome sir and welcome to your taurian crew. Hmm, what's that you have there? It smells wonderful...
Let me see that tray. Oh my, how delightful. What a marvelously civilized folk, to greet a stranger with such a casein variety.
I am told that you have inquired of us regarding an alliance, a league of co-mutual beneficence, a veritable conclave of confederation...
a consortium of cheese-loving folk. How exquisite. How neighborly and truly propitious of you.
An auspicious encounter, I might add, and well met - a stranger bearing cheese!
Come, join us in our fair city" he said, and turning with a great sweep of his arm to encompass the swelling crowds and onlookers
"and let us celebrate together this Peace of Cheese."
Peace of Cheese JS-2016.jpg
And from that day, were they allies, sharing not just a border between countries, but as well a deep invigorating love of cheese.

...that was excellent Tonnichiwa
Once I read your post I had to quickly make up that little image for the event.

I'm a little further on my map. Mostly just laying out the land features.
I doubled the size of my map so I could get more detail, but I might have to triple it.
I'm thoroughly enjoying this.
### LATEST WIP ###
Guild World Map - JEd country 05 - update03.jpg