### Latest WIP ###
Ataxic Agglomerate.png

Many say the Agglomeratiation council has long since passed into nothing but a show-piece. Still its function remains in action long after having been put into place by the Melinquost Gurus a century past. Balance is maintained through the precipice of war. Emissaries from all five great dominions still fill the seats, and, as intend, the council remains deadlocked and actionless to anything but the most minor movements of power.

To the west lie the rich Riverlands fat with food, and water, but also disease and choking jungle wilderness, where men fear to tread in terror of the horrors seeping down from the Hag Mountains along with the life giving water. Brinelings, Silenwasps, and other monsters choke the uper reaches of the river.

The Vatish Maugeum is run with careless tyranny by highlandish mages. Many things may pass beneath the skirt of their knowledge or care, and those that do are blessed, but woe to those who pique their interest, for their lives are sure to become... interesting. Fey come and go as they please from the North, for the Vateish highlands contain many sites of ancient power and if every so often a lone fey creature fails to return to its northern paradise, who's to know?

The Cobalt Freemen rule the Island of the Free with impunity, at least for that select caste born into lofty positions and great inheritance. The Cobalt marines ever expand the glory of the tiny island with unparalleled soldiery and bloodthirsty savagery. A civilizing force for the world, prosperity and knowledge follow in their footsteps, as do the subdued.

The Melinqouast Sqireens. The sons and daughters of great nobles followed the Melinqouast Gurus of ages past, beings of powerful aspect and terrible powers their land is hardy and sparse of population, for those who do populate need their space, and in this land freedom is paramount and angrily maintained.

The land of the dream plague has fallen into shadow and disrepair avoided by those with sense. The fey suffered a plague long ago and the drift of wind carried their airborne and energy charged pustulea across the once great western kingdom. Men do not die to the fey plague, but some say that would have been a better fate. Mutations, madness, filth ridden carriers of strange possibilities reside their now, along with the few brave folk of the once proud kingdom unwilling to surrender their history and birthright to the pollution that has grown up around them.


So I had no idea how to approach a map of such enormous scale, and really I still don't. But with it being over 2000 miles across I figured it needed more than one country and so that's where I decided to start. My first plan was to divide the country up into three or four and do some hand drawn iso stuff, like I normally do but this scale really makes that seem... unwieldy to me. So instead I've been banging my head against Inkscape trying to figure it out, and learned quite a bit actually. Though it is very frustrating when you can't get results you desire. I would like to put in mountains I think, but other than copy pasting from topographic maps I'm not sure how to achieve the desired affect. I may still go and just draw them in, but we'll see. Yes I guess a political map would be fine without topographical features but I think it would miss out much of the flavour I at least aim to achieve, regardless of where my aim falls to the mark.