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Thread: Map 39 - Gorgomotha, the Penninsula of Giants

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    Default Map 39 - Gorgomotha, the Penninsula of Giants

    The great Gorgomthan Penninsula sits astride the sweltering equator in the far West of the world, home to outsized creatures, outsized dangers, and outsized riches for those brave-or foolhardy-enough to seek them. The ancient and tribal Giants live in ritualized confederation with the hulking, solitary Beetletaurs of the western deserts and badlands. Foreign wee-folk (anyone smaller than the Giants and Beetletaurs) are known in small numbers, but are largely relegated to a small penninsula of their own in the east of Gorgomatha.

    (That's the basic setup. Working on hashing out ideas, flavor, geography, and artistic direction. Going to be playing this pretty straight without much satire or comedy.)

    • The Eastern Reaches of Khaluk (South)
    • The Cocarne Empire (Southwest)
    • Losnivania (Northwest)
    • #42 (West)

    Here's a high level stab at the layout of things - I'm just brainstorming basic biomes, elevations, political divisions, and the like.

    Last edited by Will Phillips; 04-07-2016 at 11:52 AM.
    Current Project: The Low Countries & Their Periphery, c. 1584

    Do you like Renaissance and early modern history? Check out my Facebook page, Renaissance Netherlands with Will Phillips.

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