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Thread: The Nesarian Empire

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  1. #1
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected Caenwyr's Avatar
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    Flanders, Belgium

    Default The Nesarian Empire

    Hulloo there!

    Now that my Tesset Gallí map is done, I've begun work on a new map, this time part of my novel world again. I'm focusing on the divide between the two main continents on my world map. I'll call them Brascia and Yurwein (although they have many different names in many different languages). The western part of Brascia has already been covered in my maps of Aran & Ilan (the most recent one of which you can find here). South of that lies the ever glittering Silver Sea, in the south bordered by the Yurwein continent. The Silver Sea is open to the west, but narrows towards the east into a series of Marmaris-like seas and straits until it reaches a huge inland sea called (not too originally) the Nesarian Inner Sea. Yes. I know. I gotta work on the names.

    But that's for later! For now I'd like to show you some maps of the region I just talked about, and my progress on the Nesarian Empire (which is situated around - I know - the Nesarian Inner Sea).

    Nesarii_georef5 (1).jpg
    The world map

    Nesarii_georef5_transv-merc-sph (1).png
    A zoom on the Inner Sea (Transverse Mercator Projection, with the kind help of G.projector)

    Nesarian Empire1.jpg
    A first shot at detailing the coasts, and some quick 'n' dirty sea colouring.

    Not too much to show yet, but it gives you an idea of where this is going. I'll be applying the style I explored in the Tesset Gallí map again, with lots of yummy mountain ranges, deserts (which I still have to work on a LOT before I get them anywhere near decent) and forests (which I'm getting the hang of, but some progress wouldn't hurt).

    Since this is in such an early stage, I won't be listing up a "still to do". Because that would be everything.
    Last edited by Caenwyr; 04-08-2016 at 02:36 AM.
    Caenwyr Cartography

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