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Thread: Seven Seals

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  1. #1

    Wip Seven Seals

    So my DM asked me if I could help make him a map based on the rough sketches he had done and I agreed. I haven't done any mapping in awhile so I'm a little rusty, but it's also given me a fresh perspective on doing things. As I got working on this I decided that it might be a good idea to post this in WIP so I could get some ideas on what I may be doing right and what I may be doing wrong. For this map I really wanted to experiment with textures, which is something that I haven't done before. In some areas I feel like I've done pretty good, but there are other areas that I'm not entirely pleased with.

    Because this is not my map I have to work within the constraints that he's given me. This means sometimes that land shapes being used aren't ideal in my opinion, but that's just the nature of the beast. With that said, comments and critiques are definitely welcome. Also, if anybody can point me to a good tutorial or give me an idea about how to texture oceans that would be awesome! Thanks!
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