Quote Originally Posted by Josiah VE View Post
I thought you could just select all the font layers and change all the font like that.. But I guess you'd probably have to reposition and stuff. No matter, it still looks amazing.
The whole map size is 10624x15300. There are lots of labels [not sure exactly] and they're in numerous sub-folders.
The map can crawl a bit depending on what I'm doing at the time.
But aside from the effort to make any such change, is the fact - all the positions will change, which would mean going back and repostioning everything.
I'm just not prepared to do that. Also, the font I used relates to the Map title piece, which you haven't seen yet, but is done and can't be changed.
Oh, I thought I should add - much of this text is at 1.5 to 2.5 pt size, to fit on this map.

There will always be issues with type.
I ran through a number of fonts before deciding on this one, Chaucer.
There were issues of one sort or another with each, so it was a balance in choosing which one to go with.
The only character I saw that was problematic is the 'H'. Are there other characters that are difficult to understand?