The islands of Eluvium are known to be the center of the mystical, the magical, and the unexplainable. Sailers fear it's waters and the wise are cautious of it's land. It is rumored that the gateway between this world and the next is hidden within these islands. Some respect and protect the land's secrets others venture to obtain power by stealing the forbidden knowledge and power that resides within its borders.

The land shape of these islands felt very mysterious and perhaps even dangerous and I love the idea of doing a 'Spiritual Realm' map. It also gives me freedom to add elements that geologically shouldn't be there. I want the inhabiters to be tribal-like and for the land not to be over populated. Hopefully I have time to add some interesting elements and some more back story in the next week or so.

I also want to say that I was able to skim over everyones maps so far and I'm really loving how they all look so far and there are some really interesting stories and ideas! Great to be a part of this!

### Latest WIP ###
Eluvium - country 36 copy.png