Thanks Pixie! I'm gonna look into those (I was actually just about to start googling plate tectonic simulation software.)

In the mean time I went old school and drew all over one of my daughter's toy balls (she won't miss it). It helped me wrap my mind around the movements to see them in 3D, everything gets weird around the 60 degree mark when it translates to paper.


(Assuming I drew everything correctly) I noticed that things moving parallel and perpendicular to the lines of latitude stay pretty clean. It's when the movement is at an angle that it gets funky. So here's a what I'm looking at in regards to the movement on the boundaries.

Plate movements.jpeg

So based off those movements I broke my boundaries into Converging (blue), Diverging (Green), Lateral (Yellow), and I am not really sure (Pink). It's the I'm not sure category that I obviously have the most questions about.


Since, Pixie has given a lot of new reading to look at I'll let you guys throw some more advice at me while I peruse this stuff. And Seriously, thanks a lot guys!