Greetings everyone from the CBG. I recently moved away from my gaming group, so I've been using Roll20 to play with my friends. As I'm the DM, it's fallen on my shoulders to create my game. This means I've been searching high and low for maps to use as battlemaps.

I've been able to find a lot for my current campaign, but I'm getting a little ambitious for my next game. My next game is going to take place entirely in the Nine Hells, with the characters descending ever lower as they progress on their quest for vengeance. Surprisingly, googling "battlemap" and "Hell" isn't really giving me much in the way of useful hits.

But I'm willing to learn. My first thought is to just do some simple line art maps in GIMP, but I already know they're going to look ugly. Really ugly. I came here hoping to find some tutorials, but my poor Google-fu skills have shown themselves again. I was considering plunking down some money for dunjini, but it looks like there isn't a Linux version and that's all I have to operate with right now.

Anyone have any recommendations on how to get started? I was playing with briefly, but it doesn't seem to have the textures I'm going to need. I'd love some tips on doing simple line maps (like the kinds I'd just draw out on a battlemap in person) and tips on working my way up to full fledged artistic battlemaps.

Thanks all!