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Thread: Mar/April 2016 Light Mapping Challenge: Daytime rose

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    Post Mar/April 2016 Light Mapping Challenge: Daytime rose

    My first ever entry in a contest on the Guild's forum is a compass rose for March/April. I have to admit, that the topic was inspired by the Moon phase entry by GLS, but it turns out, the outcome is totally different.

    So here goes the story:

    A relationship lost to English, German, or generally Germanic languages is that the four cardinal directions can be related to times of the day and position of the Sun during them. In Polish language the words to name north, south, east and west are exactly the same, as for (respectively) midnight (północ), noon (południe), sunrise (wschód) and sunset (zachód). Funnily enough this is so obvious for everyone, that no puns are really made about it (and some poetic names such as "The land of the rising sun" make a little bit more sense).

    Now enter my compass rose:
    ### Latest WIP ###
    # # # Latest WIP # # #

    It was created entirely by hand (pens, crayons) with the only digital manipulations being scanning and cropping away the excess of paper. I didn't even balance colours, they are close enough to the real thing. It shows the abovementioned relationships (time of the day vs. direction) and could be used as a cartouche (comes with a frame included!) on a map of some analphabetic nation . Or maybe to teach kids astronomy.
    Last edited by Bogie; 04-15-2016 at 03:06 AM. Reason: latest wip

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