Apr / May 2016 Lite Mapping Challenge: Map a Campsite

This time the challenge is for you to map a campsite. Any kind of campsite, any genre, any location, any scale. You could do the classic fantasy campsite, a clearing in the woods with a campfire, a couple tents and bedrolls. or an oasis in the desert with a sheik's tent. or an entire army's bivouac as they prepare for battle, or a small cave in the side of a cliff where the escaped prisoners are resting for the night. or a regional map showing locations of safe campsites on the trade routes. or a small tent beside a gutted Tauntaun on the icy planet Hoth. Use your imagination. Use your skills. Have some fun. Win a pile of silver pieces,,, OK, 1 silver compass. Still worth it!

The Challenge will run until the 14th of May (more or less) and then there will be 3 days of voting. Someone is going to win a Shiny Silver Compass.

As usual, title your threads: " Apr / May 2016 Lite Challenge: << your title here >> "

Don't forget to put the hashtag: ### Latest WIP ### in front of all WIP pictures, and especially in front of your final map.
And remember, if you put more than one image on the same post, only one of them gets picked up.

Quick rules reminder: The Lite Challenge is open to anyone who has not already won 3 Silver compasses, 1 Gold Compass, or been selected as a featured Cartographer's Choice Map.
Also, the map has to be started after the first day of the challenge, no reusing older maps even if they were not finished.