Quote Originally Posted by tilt View Post
Hi J.Edward - you might have written it elsewhere but I've been away for a while ... I wonder about your medium of choice? .. pencil on paper?.. how about the houses, simple ruler or do you make those in the computer instead?. how about coloring? Really love your style, and definitely share your love for those landscaping drawings.
Thanks Tilt
Well, I used to really enjoy doing my maps - pencil on paper - and then if I liked it I would then ink it.
Then I started doing more commissioned maps and time became a factor, as did precision and ability to make changes and try other options.
So I got to doing a lot more of my work straight digitally.
So this map is a redrawing of a pencil sketch but all redrawn in PS.
No ruler, just freehand buildings. It gets easier the more you do it.
There's also a training exercise to work in the hand-eye and muscle memory thing.
It was a free Gnomon course thing I did a few years back. It helped a lot.

For coloring, almost exclusively PS. It's hard to beat the options and the layers and undo and all that.
I go back every so often and do some pencil sketching and occasionally some ink drawings but have had so little time lately.