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Thread: Map 37 - Losnivania

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  1. #22
    Guild Member Amonite's Avatar
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    Aug 2007


    Terrain notes:

    The country is wetter and more humid in the south, while higher and more dry in the north. Temperatures range from warm to quite hot except at high elevations.

    NE - Perhaps the greatest variance of terrain is in the NE of the country. The land next to the see is sandy with hardy shrubs, rising sharply to a plateau capped by a series of buttes. Copper is prevalent in this region. The southern portion of this that juts out as a peninsula into the sea is higher, craggy, and has a natural terrace type formation as it declines towards the sea, ending in some high cliffs. This is the primary territory of the Nivian goat. On the other side of the plateau region; inland NE; a flood plain is framed by the large NE river. A large mesa rises from the midst of this flood plain, and some mudflats can be found to the south of it. (Not wanting to waste a single natural resource, the Losnavinians use th emud for trade in clay and cosmetics)

    E coast: For the most part, besides some low cliffs, the land descends to the sea. Navigation in these waters is far from simple do to high winds and rough currents. Merchant ships must follow carefully planned sea charts, which they guard jealously. The high winds form a somewhat natural barrier against invasion, but they also keep the land from becoming a complete desert.

    SE: A rainforest region. There are no major cities in this area, but plenty of small settlements. There are also some medical research centers that comb the biota of the rainforest for new plants and insects to use in vaccine development or healing balms.

    SW: The terrain rises sharply, the mountains forming a natural barrier with the country to the SW. Tea is grown in these slopes, the humidity lending the black tea a rich, almost green tea character much like a Darjeeling.

    Middle Country: While home to its share of small forests, valleys, and western hills, the land is mostly a vast steppe. The largest cities are in this region along the rivers and ports, and there are countless settlements, ranches, and farms.

    Island (Loas): The island is mostly a sandy desert, with some more tropical greenery on the east side. There are no typical cities, but the great Arcology of Souls is a densley populated, self-contained structure home to many mages, scientists, and questers. The 'Well of Souls' is at the base of the arcology.

    The Whirlpool: To the NE of the Island of Loas is a permanent whirlpool. Legends surround it - it's the maw of the World Dragon; it's an eddy of the River of life which sucks souls into the well; it's the penalty for magic use; it's a portal to another world; etc. Locals call it "Corana" (Which means vexation, because it renders a vast chunk of ocean un-navigable and plays havoc with the wind).
    Last edited by Amonite; 04-23-2016 at 01:19 PM.

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